Monthly Archives: May 2010

God Will Fight For Israel

This is an interesting question that Michael Freund asked in a recent column of One Jerusalem Online >>”Where Is  God?”

When I read it I wondered if he was just asking a rhetorical question or was he really asking … where is God?  That’s a question that is asked literally by a lot of people.  The answer is always the same – He is right at the door and all one has to do is open the door.  He will walk right in.  Because He is a perfect gentleman, God will never just walk into the door of your heart without and invitation.  He will keep knocking but, He will insist that each of us opens the door.

As for Israel, God has promised that He will fight for this very disputed land, called Israel.  So I think, Mr. Freund’s question has more to do with the continued isolation of Israel by her closest and strongest ally, America.  Surely, it is not a great feeling when your best friend turns on you. The one thing Mr. Freund should remember is that many Americans, especially Christian Americans, will never turn our backs on Israel.  Yes, God will fight for you, and we Christians will also. No, don’t even think about Obama’s declaration of Christianity because it’s not true.  He is in need of help himself and he does not realize it.  Obama is treading on dangerous ground because he is creating hostility toward Israel when he should reassure Israel that America will always be there for her.  In Genesis 12:3, God says –

3And I will bless those who bless you [who confer prosperity or happiness upon you] and [a]curse him who curses or uses insolent language toward you; in you will all the families and kindred of the earth be blessed [and by you they will bless themselves].(A)

In other words ….

To look with disfavor on the Jews was to invite God’s displeasure; to treat the Jews offensively was to incur His wrath. But to befriend the Jews was to bring down upon one’s head the rewards of a promise that could not be broken.

Obama  – are you listening???

Here is Michael Freund’s article:


Where is God?


Yesterday at 11 a.m., air raid sirens sounded across the country. Emergency crews went into position, security forces entered a heightened state of readiness and thousands of people made their way to public shelters.

It was a chilling scene,  as schoolchildren were shepherded to safety, and the innocence of our nation’s youth was disrupted by the din of the alarm. Thankfully, it was only a drill.

As Col. Chilik Soffer of the IDF Home Front Command bluntly noted: “Every country trains for emergency scenarios like earthquakes and fires. Here in Israel we train for those as well as for enemy attacks.”

Living in the Middle East, it would appear, like any tough neighborhood, requires taking all sorts of precautions, however unpleasant .

And while the government tried to calm the country’s nerves, assuring us that this exercise was routine and bore no relation to the dire state of the region, it was hard to escape the feeling that something ominous is in the air. Indeed, the headlines of late have been filled with all sorts of warnings and threats, as our foes dispatch daily reminders that their intentions are anything but peaceful.

In the past few days, Syrian dictator Bashar Assad spoke openly of war and embracing the “resistance option,” while Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reasserted his determination to bring about Israel’s demise. To our north, Hizbullah is busy rearming, and its thug-in-chief Hassan Nasrallah boldly declared that Israeli commercial and civilian shipping could come under attack.

Meanwhile, to the south, rocket-fire emanating from Gaza resumed, and Palestinian terrorists sought to  attack soldiers guarding the frontier. In every direction, it seems, our enemies are gearing up for a war of extermination, each one trying to outdo the other in a frenzy of blood-curdling intimidation.

The arc of iniquity that stretches from Beirut to Damascus, and from there to Tehran and all the way back to Gaza, is not just rattling its saber, but may be getting ready to unsheathe it.

IN THE meantime, our closest ally, the United States, has increasingly turned hostile to us and our interests, badgering us to make still more concessions to the enemies gathering at the gate.

Like it or not, we are very much a nation that is dwelling alone.

In the face of all this, there is a knife-like question piercing through the fog of fear: Where is God?

Some might take this as a challenge to divine justice, but that is not what I intend. I am a man of faith, and I believe our deliverance will assuredly come.

What I mean to say is: Where is God in our public discourse? Why aren’t we turning to Him in this hour of need?

Sure, diplomacy and military readiness are crucial, and we must continue to invest our efforts in these areas, even as we hope for the best. But the piercing siren sounded yesterday brought to mind the wailing of the shofar on Yom Kippur, penetrating the serene obliviousness that characterizes much of our daily lives. This was a spiritual wake-up call, sounding to arouse us and jolt us into action. We can choose to ignore it, but we do so at our peril.

Each night, our generals and defense officials grace the television screens, insisting that “Israel is strong” and “we are ready.”

I’m glad to hear it and hope it’s true. But as we have seen in the past, overconfidence can breed arrogance, which is a recipe for disaster.

A dash of humility and a healthy dose of faith are just as critical to ensuring success. That’s why I’d like to see our leaders projecting a little less conceit and a lot more conviction.

How refreshing it would be to hear them invoking some reliance on the Almighty and putting God back into the national conversation,  injecting the sacred into their public discourse – and ours.

This is more than just semantics; it goes to the very heart of the challenges we face. Belief in a higher power and in the justness of our cause is our spiritual ammunition, giving us the strength and determination to turn back any foe.

The great Hassidic leader, Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotzk, once asked a student where God could be found. The surprised young scholar offered the seemingly obvious answer: Rabbi, He is surely everywhere! “No!” said the Kotzker, with fiery certitude. “God is only where we let Him in!”

Now, more than ever, would be the perfect time to do so.

posted by rightthingtodo  May 31, 2010

Israel will never be alone – God is your front and rear guard.

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Obama Votes Against Israel…Again

One Jerusalem reports –

Obama Votes Against Israel and Israel …

Today, the Obama administration voted in favor of international inspections of Israel’s nuclear program. This came after the Obama administration said it would not support an initiative that singled out Israel.  In fact, National Security Adviser Jim Jones said such an initiative was counterproductive. There are reports that Israel was assured that the Obama administration would support Israel’s objection.But once again, the Obama administration lied and voted in favor of a resolution that singles out Israel for inspections and does not mention Iran’s nuclear program. After the vote, Obama said he would do nothing to harm Israel. This is like after stabbing Caesar, Brutus vows to defend Caesar.

This damaging stunt was sprung while Prime Minister Netanyahu is in North America on his way to Washington. The Prime Minister’s office is saying he will be looking for assurances from the man who just stabbed him and Israel in the back.

When is Israel going to wake up. Obama will continue to stab Israel in the back as long as Israel refuses to fight back. Being a lapdog to Obama is a dangerous role. Unfortunately the whole nation of Israel is at risk.

President Obama is a disgrace to America – we need to pray for God to ‘CHANGE’ him.

Hang tough, Mr. Netanyahu.

posted by rightthingtodo  May 31, 2010

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Obama And Family Dine At Friend’s Home Across The Street From Farrakhan’s Home On Memorial Day Weekend – Nation Of Islam Thugs Try to Intimidate Obama’s Secret Service And The Press Corp

The Hyde Park home of Louis Farrakhan

Thanks to Atlas Shrugs for this –

ATLAS EXCLUSIVE: President Obama Skips Arlington to Spend Memorial Day in the neighborhood of Louis Farrakhan amidst Nation of Islam Thugs

When will the press figure out that Obama’s home is within walking distance of Farrakhan’s? Wonder who else is in walking distance?


How did the President of the United States spend his Memorial day weekend? Honoring the glorious dead by laying a wreath at Arlington cemetery?? Not a chance.

It is unclear, but he may have  pow-wowed with race baiter, Jew-hater Louis Farrakhan, a frequent visitorFarrakhan blamed the Jews for O’s woes.
to the White House. Back in March,

“The Zionists are in control of Congress,” Farrakhan said  as he listed off a slew of Jewish economic advisers, adding that the “bloodsuckers of the poor” were rewarded with a bailout.

UPDATED: What is clear is that the paramilitary wing of the Nation of Islam, Fruit of Islam, skirmished with Secret Service and the White House press pool.

America is in trouble.

Jackie Calmes, a New York Times reporter who covers the White House, was in Chicago covering the President’s visit there this weekend. On Saturday night, she was one of the reporters who was assigned to the White House pool of reporters covering the President on his evening out having dinner at what appears to be, according to the Chicago reporters on site, the home of  Louis Farrakhan. The official line is that it was the home of Marty Nesbitt (treasurer of OFA — Organizing for America), but the house is “is tax exempt for being a religious institution.” The press pool van was parked nearby. UPDATE: It appears to have been Nesbitt’s home.

Here is what Jackie Calmes reported on behalf of the press pool:

Sent: Sat May 29 21:08:47 2010
Subject: Pool Report 5

At 7:20 local time the pool was holding at Woodlawn and 49th, next to a large sandstone mansion that the Chicago reporters say is the home of one Louis Farrakhan. Our Secret Service agent allowed us off the bus (Air!) and as a dozen of us congregated on the sidewalk, inevitably some shoes touched grass. Immediately a polite man in jeans and Tshirt emerged to ask us to stay off the grass. Though this grass was the curbside city property, we obliged.
Soon, however, he was pacing and talking on a cell phone. He went inside the mansion’s black wrought iron fence, crossed the well-landscaped yard, lifted a water bucket behind rose bushes and, voila!, a walkie-talkie. He was heard to refer to “the CIA” once he began speaking into it.

Soon he approached our agent, asking him to move the van and its occupants, though your pooler could not hear much else he said. But the agent said, “How is this a security breach?” And he asked if the house was a government property. The man said something else and at that point the agent stuck out his hand to shake hands and introduced himself as a Secret Service agent. He added, “Sir, I can assure you that we will do nothing to interfere with whatever is going on in there.”

The man is back to pacing and talking on his cell, walkie-talkie in hand.

A co-pooler searched the Internet for the address and found it listed on a Web site called NotForTourists and another called
Indeed, another pooler found a county Web site that confirmed this property is tax exempt for being a religious institution.

Reinforcements arrived–three men in Tshirts reading “Wide or Die!” One surly man has been staring daggers at us. Asked if this is Minister Farrakhan’s house, he just stared at your pooler. Asked again, he said, “I don’t have no comment.

MY COMMENTIs this ridiculous or what??  That this type of behavior would surround the visit of the President of the United States is unbelievable!!  But, since I live in Chicago, I know that this is exactly what the news reporters traveling with Obama ran into.  It’s typical Chicago thuggery!!

Back to Atlas Shrugs’ report:

You should have the WH statement on top kill’s failure. At nearly 8 pm local time we are still holding while POTUS and family remain at the Nesbitts.

Sent: Sat May 29 22:07:24 2010
Subject: Pool Report 5a

It’s 8:45 and nearly dark; your pool has retreated back inside the van. We’re outnumbered now by roughly a dozen Fruit of Islam agents for the Nation of Islam. As each casually dressed man arrives, he exchanges elaborate handshake/hug/double air-kisses with others. Two walked by your pooler chanting “Islam.”
Several have filmed and photographed your poolers, the van and its license plates with their cell phones.
One came and stood close to a couple poolers and OUR agent. He asked if he could help. No answer. He asked again. The man said no. The agent said, “Secret Service — Please move away from this group of people.”
He did.
Soon the agent asked us to go in the bus.
We did.
But several poolers, hearing the call of nature, are asking whether they might ask the Fruit about using their bathroom.
Still holding. No pun intended.

And now, have a look at how mainstream media (AP) covered this story (and remember, AP feeds all the news outlets throughout the world. This is what they are hearing about, not Farrakhan). The media is covering all this up.

Back in Chicago, Obamas enjoy weekend barbecue

APCHICAGO — President Barack Obama and his family are enjoying their hometown holiday weekend with barbecue Saturday night at a friend’s home.

The First Family, led by Obama and his mother-in-law Marian Robinson, left their residence in the Hyde Park neighborhood shortly after 4 p.m. They headed to dinner a few blocks away at the house of Chicago businessman Marty Nesbitt.

Obama was dressed casually in a pair of jeans, sandals and blue, button-down collared shirt. He was joined by wife, Michelle, and their daughters, Sasha and Malia, who was walking Bo, the family dog.

Also in attendance were Obama’s brother-in-law Craig Robinson and his wife.

The Obamas are in Chicago for the Memorial Day weekend. Earlier, Obama played basketball at the University of Chicago Lab School.

The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on AmericaUPDATE: The Fruit of Islam, by the way, is the paramilitary wing of the Nation of Islam.

UPDATE: Byron York has more now that the story has gotten out. Was Farrakhan there?

It might be assumed that an assurance from the Secret Service would be enough to satisfy any security-minded guardian of Louis Farrakhan.  But not in this case.  Calmes continues:

The man is back to pacing and talking on his cell, walkie-talkie in hand.

A co-pooler searched the Internet for the address and found it listed on a Web site called NotForTourists and another called Indeed, another pooler found a county Web site that confirmed this property is tax exempt for being a religious institution.

Reinforcements arrived — three men in T-shirts reading “Wide or Die!” One surly man has been staring daggers at us. Asked if this is Minister Farrakhan’s house, he just stared at your pooler. Asked again, he said, “I don’t have no comment.”

At nearly 8 p.m. local time we are still holding while POTUS and family remain at the Nesbitts.

More time passed.  The men in T-shirts were joined by even more men,  from the Fruit of Islam, Farrakhan’s security force.  From Calmes:

It’s 8:45 and nearly dark; your pool has retreated back inside the van. We’re outnumbered now by roughly a dozen Fruit of Islam agents for the Nation of Islam. As each casually dressed man arrives, he exchanges elaborate handshake/hug/double air-kisses with others. Two walked by your pooler chanting “Islam.”

Several have filmed and photographed your poolers, the van and its license plates with their cell phones.

One came and stood close to a couple poolers and OUR [Secret Service] agent. He asked if he could help. No answer. He asked again. The man said no. The agent said, “Secret Service — Please move away from this group of people.”

He did. Soon the agent asked us to go in the bus. We did.

At that point, the Secret Service was badly outnumbered by the Fruit of Islam, who apparently believed that some sort of “security breach” had occurred.  Were Farrakhan’s men armed?  Were there more on the way?  The Secret Service agent called for backup.  From Calmes:

9:20 local time and our agent got reinforcements from three Secret Service agents. One shook hands with one of the 22 Fruit members we now can count from the van. After a short discussion the three Secret Service agents walked away again.

No word on when we get to leave. We’re guessing POTUS is watching the Blackhawks game at the Nesbitts’ home.

While this was happening, word of the standoff apparently got around as a result of Calmes’ pool reports (they were sent out piecemeal by email).  Someone who had read the reports got in touch with Farrakhan to let the Nation of Islam leader know that the people waiting outside were just covering Obama.  From Calmes:

The power of pool reportage! Standoff ends, apparently with help of intermediary in Detroit:

Your pooler got a call at about 10:15 local time from a pool report reader who identified himself as the Rev. Gary Hunter, a Baptist minister in Motown who writes and blogs for the Detroit Times. He said he had called Minister Farrakhan and his son and asked them to have the Fruit stand down.

“I told him you were good people,” Rev. Hunter said. “He said he didn’t know you all were just waiting for the president.”

As it happens, the Fruit of Islam indeed had mostly gone by then. The Rev. Hunter apparently is remembered by [White House social secretary staffer Samantha] Tubman, and he said he knows our frequent press rustler Ben Finkenbinder from past travels with Obama.

Anyway, at 10:33 we pulled away and we are at the Obama residence. Never saw POTUS at all.

And that was the end of it.  Some observers will make light of the whole thing — just a little misunderstanding with those weird Nation of Islam guys — but the fact that Farrakhan’s security force is close to the president’s home is likely a matter of continuing concern to the Secret Service.  And on Saturday night, the two forces ran into each other.

Weird Nation of Islam guys — it’s the paramilitary arm on the Nation of Islam. The whole story stinks. Did Obama see Farrakhan or not?

MY COMMENT:  All I can say is GOD HELP US!

posted by rightthingtodo  May 30, 2010

(since I live in Chicago – the answer to Pamela ‘s question….. who else in within walking distance of Obama’s home?  Bill Ayers’ home is also just a hop and a skip from Obama)

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‘Top Kill’ Procedure Fails To Stop Oil Gusher

FOX News reports this –

May 29: This image made from video released by British Petroleum (BP PLC) shows the gushing oil well in the Gulf of Mexico. AP

ROBERT, Louisiana — BP admitted defeat Saturday in its attempt to plug the Gulf of Mexico oil leak by pumping mud into a busted well, but is readying yet another approach after repeated failures to stop the crude that’s fouling marshland and beaches.

BP PLC Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles said the company determined the “top kill” had failed after it spent three days pumping heavy drilling mud into the crippled well 5,000 feet  underwater. More than 1.2 million gallons of mud was used, but most of it escaped out of the damaged riser.

In the six weeks since the spill began, the company has failed in each attempt to stop the gusher, as estimates of how much oil is leaking grow more dire. The spill is the worst in U.S. history — exceeding even the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster — and dumping between 18 million and 40 million gallons into the Gulf, according to government estimates.

“This scares everybody, the fact that we can’t make this well stop flowing, the fact that we haven’t succeeded so far,” Suttles said. “Many of the things we’re trying have been done on the surface before, but have never been tried at 5,000 feet.”

The company failed in the days after the spill to use robot submarines to close valves on the massive blowout preventer atop the damaged well, then two weeks later ice-like crystals clogged a 100-ton box the company tried placing over the leak. Earlier this week, engineers removed a mile-long siphon tube after it sucked up a disappointing 900,000 gallons of oil from the gusher.

Frustration has grown as drifting oil closes beaches and washes up in sensitive marshland. The damage is underscored by images of pelicans and their eggs coated in oil. Below the surface, oyster beds and shrimp nurseries face certain death.

President Barack Obama visited the coast Friday to see the damage as he tried to emphasize that his administration was in control of the crisis. He told people in Grand Isle, where the beach has been closed by gobs of oil, that they wouldn’t be abandoned.

After BP announced the top kill failure, Obama said from Chicago that the continued flow of oil into the Gulf is “as enraging as it is heartbreaking.”

Suttles said BP is already preparing for the next attempt to stop the leak that began after the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded on April 20, killing 11 people.

The company plans to use robot submarines to cut off the damaged riser from which the oil is leaking, and then try to cap it with a containment valve. The effort is expected to take between four and seven days.

“We’re confident the job will work but obviously we can’t guarantee success,” Suttles said of the new plan, declining to handicap the likelihood it will work.

He said that cutting off the damaged riser isn’t expected to cause the flow rate of leaking oil to increase significantly.

The permanent solution to the leak, a relief well currently being drilled, won’t be ready until August, BP says.

Experts have said that a bend in the damaged riser likely was restricting the flow of oil somewhat, so slicing it off and installing a new containment valve is risky.

“If they can’t get that valve on, things will get much worse,” said Philip W. Johnson, an engineering professor at the University of Alabama.

Johnson said he thinks BP can succeed with the valve, but added: “It’s a scary proposition.”

Word that the top-kill had failed hit hard in fishing communities along Louisiana’s coast.

“Everybody’s starting to realize this summer’s lost. And our whole lifestyle might be lost,” said Michael Ballay, the 59-year-old manager of the Cypress Cove Marina in Venice, Louisiana, near where oil first made landfall in large quanities almost two weeks ago.

Johnny Nunez, owner of Fishing Magician Charters in Shell Beach, Louisiana, said the spill is hurting his business during what’s normally the best time of year — and there’s no end in sight.

“If fishing’s bad for five years, I’ll be 60 years old. I’ll be done for,” he said after watching BP’s televised announcement.

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Bill Clinton, Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama – What A Mess!

Do they think we are stupid?  Just in case they do – I’m saying loud and clear — No We Are Not.  Rod Blagojevich, are you taking notes?

FOX News is reporting –

Clinton’s Role in Sestak Controversy Stirs Questions About His and White House Motives

Like an aging sports star who can’t stay away from the game, Bill Clinton’s direct role in the firestorm over President Obama‘s job offer to a lawmaker for a political favor has raised questions about whether the former president was used and abused by a cynical administration or whether he took advantage of the White House to burnish his legacy.

At the behest of White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, Clinton tried last summer to persuade Pennsylvania Rep. Joe Sestak to abandon his primary challenge to Sen. Arlen Specter by offering an executive branch post.

But in perhaps a sign of Clinton’s fading influence, Sestak turned the offer down and whipped Specter in the primary last week.

“It’s very clear that President Clinton doesn’t want to leave politics but more importantly that the White House wanted some sort of plausible deniability,” Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., who is calling for an FBI investigation, told Fox News on Friday.

Issa added that President Nixon had deniability from the plumbers in the Watergate scandal that ultimately brought down his presidency until he became part of the coverup.

“At this point, 10 weeks later, lots of witness tampering, or at least witness interrogation by people who are self serving, we’re beginning to go down that same road,” he said. “It’s now time for the president to say enough is enough, I promised to have higher integrity and that will include having someone on the outside tell us what we did right or wrong.”

Others didn’t see anything wrong with Clinton’s actions.

“This is the way politics operates and almost all former presidents, key public leaders, party leaders do this for the president,” Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, told Fox News.

“Also keep in mind, this is an unusual administration,” he said. “It’s a merger of the Obama wing and Clinton wing. We’ve seen that since the Cabinet was formed. Yes, former President Clinton does political duties for Obama and Rahm Emanuel.”

Given the political connections among those involved in the controversy, it made sense for Clinton to act as an intermediary. When Clinton was president, Emanuel served as his political director. And as president Clinton promoted Sestak to vice admiral and made him his director of defense policy.

Emanuel has also been credited for easing tensions between Obama and Clinton after Hillary Clinton’s loss to Obama in the 2008 Democratic presidential contest.

Obama appointed Hillary Clinton as secretary of state and he has appeared with Bill Clinton at least 11 times since he took office.

But perhaps the biggest indicator that Clinton is seeking to add to his political legacy is his efforts in recent months to help Democrats avoid the failings of his presidency. In November, he rallied anxious Senate Democrats around Obama’s health care plan after his attempt in 1993 collapsed. He has also been active on the campaign trail for Democrats facing a toxic environment for incumbents in this year’s midterm elections.

Clinton, who lost control of both chambers in Congress in 1994, is trying to help Democrats avoid a similar fate this year. He has campaigned for Mark Critz, who won last week’s special election to replace the late Rep. John Murtha, and Sen. Blanche Lincoln, who is in a runoff for the Democratic nomination.

Verum Serum has this

Liar-in-Chief Enlists the Real Master of Deception to Defuse Sestak Scandal

Morgen on May 28, 2010 at 7:25 am

You have got to be kidding me:

Senior White House advisers asked former President Bill Clinton to talk to Joe Sestak about whether he was serious about running for Senate, and to feel out whether he’d be open to other alternatives, according to sources familiar with the situation.

But the White House maintains that the Clinton-Sestak discussions were informal, according to the sources. The White House, under pressure to divulge the specifics of its interactions with Sestak, will release a formal statement later today outlining their version of events, including Clinton’s involvement.

According to the sources, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel asked Clinton and his longtime adviser, lawyer Doug Band, to talk to Sestak about the race. It’s unclear right now whether the White House will say that Clinton was asked to suggest specific administration positions for Sestak, whether Clinton floated positions on his own, whether Clinton discussed other options not related to the administration, or whether employment even came up at all in the talks.

It’s also unclear whether any of this is the slightest bit true. Regardless of whether Clinton or Sestak corroborate this, I won’t believe a word of it in the absence of irrefutable evidence.

This might really be Obama’s Watergate.

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Who Will Stand Up Against The Gay Agenda?

This past week was extremely troubling for many Americans as we watched in shock as the House of Representatives and the Senate Armed Services Committee voted in favor or repealing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell law.  It was troubling because many of us know it is the wrong thing to do.   The most frightening thing is most of our conservative leaders and radio and television personalities are as quiet as mice!  Not a word from most of them.  Why?  What are they afraid of?  When I ran across this article by Robert Knight, my heart was warmed by his courage, his character and his morality.  I have printed his entire article below – it is well worth reading and passing along to friends.  GOD BLESS YOU, ROBERT KNIGHT.

Robert Knight :: Columnist
Conservative Media Fiddle While the Military Burns
by Robert Knight

Barney Frank and his friends are rolling their tanks through Congress while everyone is talking about something else. As we reel from one crisis to the next, homosexual activists and their allies are muscling through their agenda, with nary a peep from the nation’s conservative talking heads.

This week, their target is the military. Soon, it will be passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which would criminalize traditional morality in every workplace with 15 or more employees. After that, they will try to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act. Finally, they aim to pass an “anti-bullying” law that will threaten schools with losing federal funds if they refuse to force kids to read Heather Has Two Mommies and Gloria Goes to Gay Pride. The agenda is breathtakingly ambitious, and would be unimaginable to previous generations.

These radical laws would be a watershed moment for socialists, who are at war with family and religion as impediments to a growing state. The pansexual Left senses triumph now for two reasons:

First, the Obama-manufactured crisis-a-day has people terrified about where the economy is headed. The sheer magnitude of government takeovers and spending is dominating the Tea Party movement, and in fact, everybody.

Second, homosexual activists and their media enablers have “jammed” the public debate. Hollywood, educators and the media continually deny the truth about homosexuality – that while all people are made in God’s image and are entitled to basic human rights – homosexuality is not in-born, is changeable, and is dangerous to the health and well being of individuals, families and communities. The militant advancement of gay activism poses the greatest threat to the freedoms of religion, assembly and speech within our borders.

Why aren’t more Americans properly concerned? You can have gay relatives, friends and colleagues and still understand that promoting sodomy as an affirmative action “right” is not a good thing. Americans used to get that. Perhaps the lack of resolve is because many conservative opinion leaders have run for the tall grass on this issue. By omitting it, they’re saying it really isn’t important.

When was the last time you heard a frank discussion about this on any of the top conservative talk shows, either on radio or television? Michael Savage is the only prominent talk show host to take it on, and he does it from Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco. How about Erick Erickson’s estimable Red State Morning Briefing? It’s vital, on-line reading, and I urge everyone to subscribe. And yet, while we’re on the verge of Congress’ raping the military to please a tiny, leftist lobby, the topic is nowhere to be found on Red State this week. Similarly, with a few exceptions, GOP leaders have been silent.

The gravity of allowing open homosexuality in the military cannot be overstated. It has the potential of destroying the all-volunteer force by discouraging recruitment, retention and shattering unit morale. Chaplains would find themselves muzzled on basic questions of morality and many would leave the services. Recruits would undergo pro-homosexual “sensitivity” training. The already troubling problem of sexual misconduct would increase.

A 1993 report by the chief criminal investigator of the Army summarized 102 cases of homosexual misconduct in the army between 1989 and 1992. Twenty-nine of the incidents occurred in the barracks. Forty-nine incidents involved children. Five involved HIV-positive offenders. Nine occurred in either latrines or showers. Thirty-one cases involved soldiers with “a significant variance in pay grade,” such as sergeants preying on enlisted men. And this was during a time when the ban was in effect, including the question at induction, and before Clinton watered down the 1993 law with “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” That law, by the way, which Congress passed overwhelmingly, explicitly bars people with the “propensity” to engage in homosexuality.

Reports like the above, and the astronomically higher incidences of sexually transmitted diseases like HIV among homosexual men, are ignored in any discussions of whether to lift the ban. Instead, the rhetoric of the civil rights movement is employed, as if being black or Hispanic or white is on a par with acting out homosexual desires. Unlike skin color or ethnicity, sex is inextricably tied to behavior, character and morality. Thus, the “civil rights” arguments are absurdly inapplicable. How about the civil rights of service people who will be forced to co-habit with those who might view them as sex objects? They can’t just “go home” at night. And no one has made the case that adding homosexuality to the mix will improve military readiness. The best they can do is say that they’ll try to minimize the damage.

From misreporting junk science about non-existent “gay genes,” to bashing people who believe that some behavior is simply wrong and unhealthy, the media are a fully owned subsidiary of the gay activist movement. They march in lockstep according to the dictates of the 1989 gay strategy manual After the Ball, which describes in detail how to vilify anyone who disagrees.

The liberal media might be expected to reject what God and common sense tell us about sexuality. But there is no excuse for the conservative brain trust to ignore this threat. If the gay rights activists get everything they want, thus transforming morality itself into a form of bigotry actionable under the law, we will see the criminalization of Christianity.

It’s already happening in Great Britain, Scandinavia and in Canada, where the perversion of civil rights has led to Christians being hauled before human rights commissions for merely expressing a traditionalist view of sexual morality in public. And it’s begun in the U.S. as well, with the Boy Scouts being thrown out of schools, parks and United Way chapters, and a Christian couple fined by the New Mexico Human Rights Commission for declining to photograph a lesbian civil union ceremony. In New Jersey, the state removed the tax exemption for a Methodist seaside gazebo because the church did not want it used for same-sex ceremonies contrary to Biblical morality. Equal Employment Opportunity Commissioner Chai Feldblum has said in reference to gay rights, “I’m having a hard time coming up with any case in which religious liberty should win.”

The military is a linchpin for all of society. It is a bastion of traditional values. Former communist David Horowitz recalls that during the ‘60s, radical leftists determined that if they could destroy the U.S. military, they could destabilize the rest of capitalist America. Two things could accomplish this, they said: Putting women into combat, and opening the armed forces to homosexuality.

Even for non-religious Americans, the strategy – and threat – ought to be clear. It’s time to get over fears of being called a “bigot,” and to stand up for what’s right for our military servicemen and women – and our country.

If conservative opinion leaders won’t talk about this, how will the rest of the country rally to defeat this leftist goal? We still can, but the hour is late.

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The Lord’s Repsonse To The Repeal Of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

2 chronicles 7:14

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 15 My eyes will be open and my ears attentive to every prayer made in this place.

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McCain To Support Filibuster Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Repeal


May 27, 2010

Washington, D.C. ­– U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) made the following statement today regarding the passage of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” amendment by the Senate Armed Services Committee:“I deeply regret that the Senate Armed Services Committee voted today to pass the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ amendment. This vote short circuits the ongoing Pentagon review of the policy and thereby denies our men and women in uniform a chance to have their voices heard on an important issue that affects them and their service. That is why all four Service Chiefs opposed legislative action at this time.  The vote today is a de facto repeal of the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ law, and I am concerned that the men and women of our military will view this preemptive political action as a deep sign of disrespect and unwillingness to consider their views.”

Thank God for Senator McCain and Senator Roger Wicker who have promised to support a filibuster of the repeal of the 1993 Don’t Ask Don’t Tell law signed into effect by President Bill Clinton. I am just shocked at the behavior of some members of Congress regarding the deliberate and determined hurry to destroy the finest military force on the face of the earth by voting to repeal the DADT Law even before the Pentagon has completed its report on the opinions and feelings of our armed forces.  Our nation is being threatened by enemies from within.

The Family Research Council reported this –

Congress Advances Radical Social Agenda Over the Objections of All Four Military Service Chiefs

“Forcing the Military to Embrace Homosexuality Before the Study is Complete Shows Unbelievable Contempt for Our Troops,” declares FRC’s Tony Perkins

Washington, D.C. – Tonight, the Senate Armed Services Committee approved an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill to overturn the law on homosexuals in the military known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

Family Research Council President and Marine veteran Tony Perkins released the following statement:

“This Administration and the majority in Congress have pushed aside the advice of all four military service chiefs and for the first time in our nation’s history voted to force the military to embrace homosexuality.

“Among the casualties of forcing homosexuality on the military will be the religious freedom of those who serve. Ultimately, the military itself will become a casualty from overturning this law.

“The question Congress should but has failed to ask, will forcing this radical policy upon the military, over the objections of the four military chiefs, enhance the effectiveness of our military?’

“They know the answer and that is why they are acting now, before true military leaders, those who selflessly serve this nation, can speak.

“In recent days, we have heard from many active duty military personnel and my fellow veterans who are outraged by how this Administration and Congress are using the military to advance a radical social agenda. There is deep frustration that President Obama isn’t listening to them or their commanders.

“We call on Congress to listen to our troops and not circumvent the very process that this Administration established to review this issue.”

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What’s The Rush On DADT, President Obama?

Military: Wait for DADT Review to Finish

May 26, 2010 – 5:43 PM | by: Mike Emanuel

The uniformed officers at the top of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, & Air Force have individually written letters to lawmakers on Capitol Hill expressing concerns about the impact of changing the law affecting “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” before a comprehensive review is complete.

“I felt that an organized and systemic approach on such an important issue was precisely the way to develop ‘best military advice’ for the Service Chiefs to offer the President,” Marine Corps Commandant James Conway wrote.

Army Chief of Staff General George Casey expressed a similar view. “I remain convinced that it is critically important to get a better understanding of where our Soldiers and Families are on this issue,” Casey wrote. “I also believe that repealing the law before the completion of the review will be seen by the men and women of the Army as a reversal of our commitment to hear their views before moving forward.”

This letter writing campaign comes after Senate and House proponents of repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” reached a compromise that if it passes would eventually allow gays to openly serve in the military. Defense Secretary Gates has wanted a Pentagon review of the impact of a change in policy to be finished before Congress took action. When a deal on Capitol Hill was struck, Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said, “With Congress having indicated that is not possible, the Secretary can accept the language in the proposed amendment.” The change is expected to be offered as an amendment to the annual defense spending blueprint known as the Defense Authorization.

Since then, the Service Chiefs have been writing to express their concerns.

Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Gary Roughead wrote, “We need this review to fully assess our force and carefully examine potential impacts of a change in the law.”

General Norton Schwartz, Air Force Chief of Staff, wrote that acting before the review is complete would be “presumptive and reflect an intent to act before all relevant factors are assessed, digested and understood.

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‘Racism Is A Waste Of Time’ – Says Bill Cosby On Death Of Lena Horne

Bill Cosby was Jay Leno’s guest on The Tonight Show last week and this is what he had to say about the life and passing of the legendary Miss Lena Horne >>>

Bill Cosby Said Lena Horne Was Victim of Racism

The actor believed the late actress/singer could have played Elizabeth Taylor’s Cleopatra should the time was right.

May 19, 2010 04:57:22 GMT

Bill Cosby has criticized Hollywood bosses for failing to recognize the extent of Lena Horne’s acting talents when she was alive, insisting her groundbreaking career suffered as a result of racism.

Tributes poured in for Horne after the Grammy winner died at a New York hospital on May 9, aged 92 – stars and politicians alike noted her grand achievements as an entertainer and civil rights activist. Since her passing, Horne has also been hailed by U.S. President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle as one of the “most cherished” entertainers in American history

But comedian Cosby feels the tributes have come too late – because the same movie chiefs who snubbed the “Stormy Weather” singer/actress during her youth are now praising her as an icon. He explains, “Ms. Horne, as gorgeous as she is, should things have been right she should have been in Cleopatra, playing the part before … But the way things are with the racism, she would sing, and they would take her out. Any movie she was in was a variety show, so she didn’t really get to talk or anything…”

“They offered her many things but… it was just a terrible time. Her passing is just duplicitous, because I don’t know how you pay that back. They keep saying how she’s a great civil rights activist but I don’t know how you give somebody this gorgeous, this wonderful, this talented (those roles)… Racism… is a waste of time.”

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Army Veteran Told To Take Down American Flag – Is This Still America?

Dawn Price Charlie Price, a 28-year-old Army veteran, will be allowed to fly this flag in his Wisconsin apartment only until Memorial Day, his wife told

FOX News reports >>>

An Army veteran in Wisconsin will be allowed to display an American flag until Memorial Day, but the symbol honoring his service in Iraq and Kosovo must come down next Tuesday, his wife told

Dawn Price, 27, of Oshkosh, Wis., said she received a call from officials at Midwest Realty Management early Wednesday indicating that she and her husband, Charlie, would be allowed to continue flying the American flag they’ve had in their window for months through the holiday weekend. The couple had previously been told they had to remove the flag by Saturday or face eviction due to a company policy that bans the display of flags, banners and political or religious materials.

“It’s basically an extension so we can fly the flag on Memorial Day,” Price told “It does need to come down after that.”

Charlie Price, 28, served tours of duty as a combat engineer in Iraq and Kosovo, his wife said. To honor his eight years of service, she began decorating their apartment during Veterans Day in November. An American flag topped off the display, she said.

“I knew it made Charlie really proud to see that,” she said. “And this isn’t something new. This has been up for quite some time now.”

Veterans’ groups were furious at the realtor’s refusal to allow the flag to fly.

“As a veteran, it sickens me that the Dawn and Charlie Price’s building management company would imply that the American flag could be construed as offensive by their residents,” said Ryan Gallucci, a spokesman for Amvets.

“We’re talking about our most revered national symbol. This is insulting to anyone who has defended our flag honorably, like Charlie Price.”

Dawn Price said she now works to amend the federal Freedom to Display the American Flag Act of 2005, which states no “condominium association, cooperative association, or residential real estate management association” may stop someone from flying the American flag. The law, however, does not apply to renters.

“This has been eating at us since Friday,” she said. ‘The best way to fight this isn’t getting an eviction and going after these people in court. That’s just going to cost us a lot of time, energy and money.”

Instead, Dawn Price said she either intends to place a curtain between the flag and the apartment window to block it from onlookers or will move it to a rear balcony come next week.

“We don’t want to fight the eviction,” she said. “We know we’d lose.”

Officials at Midwest Realty Management, which manages Brookside Apartments, where the Prices live, did not return several messages seeking comment. In a statement to the Oshkosh Northwestern, company officials said the policy was established to provide a consistent living environment for all residents.

“This policy was developed to insure that we are fair to everyone as we have many residents from diverse backgrounds,” the statement read. “By having a blanket policy of neutrality we have found that we are less likely to offend anyone and the aesthetic qualities of our apartment communities are maintained.”

Despite the brief reprieve, Dawn Price said her husband is disappointed by the flag flap.

“He actually sees it as a slap in the face to his service,” she said. “He’s pretty upset about it, especially right around Memorial Day.”

A Facebook group created by Dawn Price, “Freedom to Display the American Flag,” had roughly 2,000 members as of Wednesday.

“As a father of a son [who] is currently serving in Iraq this blackens my heart!!!!” read one comment. “These men and women sign a blank check up to and including their life!”

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Stop Repeal Of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Our Lives Depend On It!

Obama and the Socialists are under extreme pressure by the Homosexual Lobby to repeal the longstanding law of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.  The House and the Senate are scheduled to take votes on the issue tomorrow.  Help STOP THIS!  Follow the instructions from the Thomas More Law Center shown below: WE MUST STOP THIS!

From the Desk of Richard Thompson
President and Chief Counsel, Thomas More Law Center

YOU Must Act Today to Stop Repeal of the Ban on Gays Openly Serving in the Military

Time is running out.

Tomorrow, May 27th, both the Senate and the House plan to vote on whether to repeal the long-standing statutory ban on homosexuals openly serving in the military. As a result of  the increased  pressure on the White house and Congress by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocacy groups, the vote is scheduled without first obtaining the planned Pentagon report due later in the year.

According to reports, Congressmen are being deluged with phone calls and mail to pressure them to repeal the ban.

Now it’s up to YOU! Please contact (phone or e-mail) the key senators listed below by tomorrow, May 27th. Let them know that you oppose repeal of the long-standing ban on gays openly serving in the military. Ask your family and friends to do the same.

Robert C. Byrd (D-West Virginia)         202-224-3924

Bill Nelson (Florida)                            202-224-5274

Evan Bayh (D-Indiana)                         202-224-5623

Jim Webb (D-Virginia)                        202-224-4024

Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts)             202-224-4543

Susan M. Collins (R-Maine)                   202-224-2523

All you have to say or write is:

Please oppose any attempt to repeal or place a moratorium on the longstanding ban on gays openly serving in the military. The purpose of our military is to prepare for and prevail in combat.  It is not a place to experiment with social engineering.”


The Center for Military Readiness has developed an excellent one-page outline setting forth Ten Reasons to Oppose the Law.  You may read it by clicking here.

The Supreme Court has long recognized the difference between military and civilian life, and has given great deference to the requirements of our military.   There is no constitutional right to serve in our armed forces, and homosexual groups should not be allowed to foist their political and social agendas at the expense of national security, and the destruction of unit cohesion, which is so essential to the combat effectiveness of our armed forces.

Repeal of the ban on homosexuals serving in the military would sacrifice the best military force in the world as a political payoff to homosexual advocacy groups for their campaign support.

Over 1,150 distinguished retired Flag and General Officers of the military, including 51 four-star generals and admirals, strongly urge that the existing ban be maintained.  In a statement released in 2009, they expressed their great concern about the impact a repeal of the ban would have on “morale, discipline, unit cohesion, and overall readiness.”

If the ban is repealed, LGBT operatives will infiltrate the military, and backed by a brigade of ACLU lawyers, will push the homosexual agenda to the point of paralyzing the primary purpose of the military—winning wars.

The 1993 federal statute at issue, (often mislabeled as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”) states that homosexuals are not eligible to serve in the military.  The law was passed overwhelmingly by bipartisan, veto-proof majorities in both houses, after extensive hearings and debate.  The legislation was prompted by overwhelming public opposition to President’s Clinton’s attempt to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military as a political favor to the homosexual groups which supported his election bid.

In its findings leading to the 1993 law, Congress affirmed:  there is no constitutional right to serve in the armed forces; military life is fundamentally different from civilian life; the prohibition against homosexual conduct is a long-standing element of military law; and the presence of persons who demonstrate a propensity or intent to engage in homosexual acts would create an unacceptable risk to the high standards of morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion that are the essence of military capability.

Most military commanders oppose repeal of the ban on homosexuals serving in the military:

• Over 1,150 distinguished retired admirals and generals.
• The current Commandant of the Marine Corps, General James T. Conway, told the Congress that his advice to the President and the Congress was to keep the ban on homosexuals as it is.
• The Army Chief of Staff, General George W. Casey, Jr., told Congress he had serious concerns about the impact of a repeal of the ban on the military currently engaged in two wars.

Some points why the ban should be maintained:

• As stated in current law, there is no constitutional right to serve in the military.
• The military is historically selective about who can join, based on age, weight, physical fitness, health, drug usage and more.
• Open homosexuality would destroy unit cohesion, good order and discipline.
• Military life is drastically different from civilian life.  Troops are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week, sharing sleeping quarters, showers, and other living areas in conditions that the law describes as “forced intimacy.”
• According to one poll, 10% of military personnel say they will quit if homosexuals are allowed to serve openly.
• Accepting homosexual men in the military will expose service members to higher risks of health problems, including AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.
• Young enlisted personnel will be potentially compromised by inappropriate conduct, including sexual advances by higher ranking homosexuals.
• As most serving in the military are Christians, the ban will cause them and their Christian Chaplains religious conflicts as their faith considers homosexual conduct a sin.

Military men and women, our sons and daughters, should not be subjected to an involuntary social experiment, and our nation should not have to pay compromise its national security in order to allow satisfy promises made to LGBT groups.

Please forward this Letter to family and friends HERE.

Thank you for all your help.

Richard Thompson,
President and Chief Counsel,
Thomas More Law Center


Ten Reasons to Oppose the “LGBT Law” for the Military

Email Link to Family and Friends

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Finally, Obama Will Send National Guard To Arizona Border

FOX News reports –

Obama to Deploy Up to 1,200 National Guard Troops to U.S.-Mexico Border

President Obama is planning to deploy up to 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, heeding calls from border state lawmakers that security needs to be improved.

An administration official confirmed to Fox News that Obama plans to deploy the National Guard troops as needed and request $500 million for “enhanced border protection and law enforcement.”

The official said the National Guard would be used to “provide intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support,” as well as support “counternarcotics enforcement” and provide “training capacity” until the Border Patrol can bring more officers on board. The additional funding would be used to improve border security technology and increase the number of agents, investigators and prosecutors targeting drug, human and weapons traffickers.

Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., said he’s heard that “the 1,200 border patrol troops are, in effect, desk jobs.”

“They aren’t boots on the ground at the border,” he said, adding that “they were not intended to be deployed to the border.”

“Rather they’ll be investigating, administrative support, maybe training,” he said. “Now that’s all fine…but the real value of the National Guard is to be seen.”

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said Obama’s plan represents a “very significant and important shift in the president’s immigration and border security policy.”

“I am pleased that President Obama has now, apparently, agreed that our nation must secure the border to address rampant border violence and illegal immigration without other pre-conditions, such as passage of ‘comprehensive immigration reform,'” she said.

“I am anxious to hear of the details that have not yet been disclosed of where, how, and for how long additional forces will be deployed,” she added. “With the accountability of this election year, I am pleased and grateful that at long last there has been a partial response from the Obama administration to my demands that Washington do its job.”

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., praised the administration for “finally” answering the calls for more troops, while another lawmaker said 1,200 troops is “simply not enough.”

The announcement came as Senate Republicans began introducing several border security amendments to a $60 billion war spending bill under consideration on the floor. They showed no signs of halting that effort in light of the president’s decision.

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., proposed an amendment to send 6,000 National Guard troops to the border — a move Republicans want to pay for with unspent stimulus money. McCain said on the floor that he appreciates Obama’s decision to deploy up to 1,200 troops but asked for more.

“I think it is a recognition of the violence on the border which has been really beyond description in some respects,” McCain said. “But it’s simply not enough.”

Senate Republicans confronted Obama on immigration and border security earlier in the day during a rare, private meeting on Capitol Hill. But Obama never mentioned he was sending troops to the border, Kyl said, even after he brought up the McCain amendment.

“I gather that some of our Democratic colleagues were informed,” Kyl said. “Sen. McCain spoke to it…and then I stood up. One of the things I said was we were going to the floor in a few minutes to request additional money for sending troops to the border. But that was the end of the conversation.”

Though top Obama Cabinet officials critical of Arizona’s controversial new law have acknowledged they never read the bill, McCain said Obama told the senators he has read it and still believes it could allow for discrimination.

Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kansas, who described the meeting as “testy,” said the president “wasn’t embracing” the call to secure the borders before pressing forward with a comprehensive immigration policy overhaul.

The administration official described Obama’s announcement Tuesday as “part of his comprehensive plan to secure the southwest border.”

Giffords, who was among several lawmakers who requested more border security after Arizona rancher Robert Krentz was killed by a suspected illegal immigrant at the end of March, praised Obama for the National Guard announcement.

“(Arizona residents) know that more boots on the ground means a safer and more secure border. Washington heard our message,” she said.

Fox News’ Trish Turner contributed to this report.

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Contentious Meeting Between President Obama And The Republican Senators

Remember, everyone, Obama is from Chicago Swamp Politics >>>> here’s more evidence of that –

He requested a meeting with the GOP the day after his Senate cohorts passed his ugly Financial Reform Bill.  So he showed up to meet with the Republican senators and just went through the motions with them as if to say I can play with you anytime I wish but the senators were in no mood for games and they let Obama know it.  The Daily Caller reports >>>

Obama gets an earful in clash with GOP senators

By CHARLES BABINGTON | Published: 05/25/10 at 5:03 PM | Updated: 05/26/10 at 4:00 AM

President Barack Obama, escorted by Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Terrance Gainer, arrives on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, May 25, 2010, to meet with Senate Republicans met behind closed doors for talks ranging from jobs to the massive Gulf oil spill and prospects for strengthening border security this election year. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) Read more:

WASHINGTON (AP) — If President Barack Obama thought having a private lunch with Republican senators would ease partisan tensions in Congress, he grabbed the wrong recipe.

The president walked into a remarkably contentious 80-minute session Tuesday in which GOP senators accused him of duplicity, audacity and unbending partisanship. Lawmakers said the testy exchange left legislative logjams intact, and one GOP leader said nothing is likely to change before the November elections.

Obama’s sharpest accuser was Bob Corker of Tennessee, a first-term senator who feels the administration undermined his efforts to craft a bipartisan financial regulation bill.

“I told him I thought there was a degree of audacity in him even showing up today after what happened with financial regulation,” Corker told reporters, with perhaps a dig at Obama’s book “The Audacity of Hope.”

“I just wanted him to tell me how, when he wakes up in the morning, comes over to a luncheon like ours today, how does he reconcile that duplicity?”

Four people who were in the room said Obama bristled and defended his administration’s handling of negotiations. On the way out, Corker said, Obama approached him and both men repeated their main points.

“I told him there was a tremendous disconnect from his words and the actions of his administration,” Corker said.

White House spokesman Bill Burton, who attended the session in the Capitol, said the exchange “was actually pretty civil.”

The senators applauded Obama, who had requested the luncheon, when he entered and left the room. Obama told reporters as he departed, “It was a good, frank discussion about a whole range of issues.”

Some Republicans were less kind.

“He needs to take a Valium before he comes in and talks to Republicans,” Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., told reporters. “He’s pretty thin-skinned.”

Sen. David Vitter, R-La., said he addressed Obama, “trying to demand overdue action” on the giant oil spill damaging Gulf coast states. He said got “no specific response” except Obama’s pledge to have an authoritative White House official call him within hours.

Sen. John McCain of Arizona, Obama’s 2008 presidential opponent, said he pressed the president on immigration issues. McCain said he told Obama “we need to secure the border first” before taking other steps. “The president didn’t agree,” he said.

Later, McCain said his views were unchanged by Obama’s decision to send an additional 1,200 National Guard troops to boost security along the U.S.-Mexico border.

At the lunch, McCain said he defended his state’s pending immigration law, which Obama says could lead to discrimination. It directs police, when questioning people about possible law violations, to ask about their immigration status if there is “reasonable suspicion” they’re in the country illegally.

At the luncheon, McCain said, “I pointed out that members of his administration who have not read the law have mis-characterized the law — a very egregious act on their part.”

Burton said Obama told McCain that he has read the Arizona law himself, and his concerns remain.

After the luncheon, no one suggested the two parties were even a smidgen closer to resolving differences over energy, immigration and other issues that Obama has said he wants to act on this year.

“We simply have a large difference of opinion that’s not likely to be settled until November about taxes, spending and the debt,” said Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn.

Senators said the November elections — all 435 House seats, 36 Senate seats and another three dozen governors’ seats are up for grabs — were not overtly mentioned. But they were an unmistakable backdrop.

Republicans hope for big gains, maybe even control of the House. They are banking on voter resentment of Obama initiatives such as the new health care law, and many see little point in cooperating with Obama and Democratic lawmakers at this point.

Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., complained to Obama about the partisan genesis of the health care law, enacted without a single Republican vote in Congress. Administration aides repeatedly have said GOP input was welcome, but none within reason turned up.

It’s hard to know if Obama genuinely thought his luncheon visit would melt some of the partisan iciness. Several Republican senators and aides in the room said he seemed to be going through the motions, not making real efforts at consensus.

“What’s really important is not so much the symbolism of bipartisanship as it is the action of bipartisanship,” Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., told reporters later.

Citing the scant or zero Republican support for the health care law, financial regulation bill and last year’s financial stimulus, Thune said, “What we haven’t seen is sort of the matchup between the rhetoric and the actions to follow through.”

As the Senate wrapped up its business Tuesday, Obama was flying to California to headline a fundraiser for Sen. Barbara Boxer, one of Congress’ most liberal members and a top GOP target this fall.


Associated Press writers Julie Hirschfeld Davis, Laurie Kellman, Jim Kuhnhenn, Julie Pace and Erica Werner contributed to this report.

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Stop The Mosque!

Are we all in a deep coma?  What is happening to us?  I continue to pinch myself  from time to time just to be certain that I am not in some kind of deep sleep nightmare.  Obama is the most ridiculous, duplicitous individual most of us have seen.  He says one thing and deliberately does another.  It is not an accident that he pretended to support the Jews and Israel during the 2008 presidential campaign.  He said and did things just to get elected.  He appears to take great pleasure in breaking with all previous relationships with our great ally.  I really can’t stomach anymore of this man.  Thank God we on have around 970 more days to go until January 2012!

One Jerusalem Online reported this –

At times it feels like we are watching a slow motion movie which ends with us being incapable of changing an unwelcome outcome. Day in and day out evidence appears which supports the thesis that the Obama administration and the West lack the will to stop the Islamic juggernaut that sends human bombs to kill innocents on planes, in Times Square, and on the London underground. Daily, the Obama administration sends out signals that it is determined to meet Islamic threats with capitulation. This week a high ranking, national security official in the administration talked about the need to work with the “moderate” elements in Hezbollah. He clearly does not see the inherent contradiction in using the word moderate to describe Hezbollah. Would anyone suggest talking to moderate Nazis? A British Prime Minister did and 50 million innocent deaths later the world knew there were no moderate Nazis. The same is true with Hezbollah.

Unfortunately, the Obama administration is not the only one with a distorted view of the Islamic threat in America. Recently, a Community Board in lower Manhattan approved the construction of a community center and Mosque yards from Ground Zero. This decision was greeted with happy talk by community board members. But one observer said, this would be like the Japanese erecting a Shinto Kamikaze shrine near the American battleships destroyed by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor.

If Melanie Phillip’s important new book, The World Turned Upside Down was still being written she would undoubtedly have included this Mosque project in her text.

While the liberal media provides coverage for an imam associated with the project to talk about peace and love, they remain silent about the imam’s comments that blamed America for the attacks on 9-11.

While the powers that be in the City of New York would like this issue to go away, the people of New York and other concerned people are not remaining silent.They are active on the web and they are taking to streets by Ground Zero on June 6.

There is still time to stop this project. Attend and let friends know about the rally.

posted by rightthingtodo  May 26, 2010 

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Moishe Rosen – Founder Of Jews For Jesus Dies

Posted on May 20, 2010 | by Art Toalston

Art is editor of Baptist Press

SAN FRANCISCO (BP)–Moishe Rosen, founder of Jews for Jesus, died May 19 around 8:30 p.m. in San Francisco after a battle with bone cancer. Rosen, who founded the evangelistic organization in 1973, was 78.

“Moishe Rosen’s innovative thinking and commitment to Jewish evangelism built the largest Jewish mission organization in the world,” Jim Sibley, director of the Pasche Institute of Jewish Studies at Criswell College in Dallas, told Baptist Press, “but more importantly, they have been used to reach countless Jews and Gentiles for the Lord.

“His concern began with the Jewish population in the United States, but later embraced the major Jewish populations of the world,” said Sibley, a former Southern Baptist representative in Israel and former director of Jewish evangelism ministries for the North American Mission Board.

Often provocative and controversial, he was always unashamed of the Good News of salvation,” Sibley said. “He has been a friend, a brother and a fellow soldier; he will be greatly missed.”

Mike Saffle, president of the Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship, recounted a bit of Rosen’s spiritual history: “Moishe was born to an Orthodox family, yet became an atheist. After his wife, Ciel, began an earnest search for God, Moishe finally admitted what he’d known all along: there IS a God, and His Son is Y’shua, Jesus.”

Rosen was “passionately in love with his Lord, his wife and his people, Israel. His mission was to open the eyes of Jewish people to the truth of their Messiah, and he pursued that calling to the end. His ministry spans the globe, reaching many for Christ,” said Saffle, pastor/rabbi of Shalom Adonai Messianic Baptist Fellowship in Wichita, Kan.

He was “a funny, humble, loving man whose greatest passion is Y’shua and telling Jewish people about Him. We will miss him, and pray for his family’s strength and comfort,” Saffle said.

Ric Worshill, vice president of the Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship, wrote in an e-mail that Rosen “has been an inspiration to many Jewish believers since we found Christ as Savior. Many of the present Jewish believers in Christ were led to the L-rd by Moishe or his disciples. Moishe has been an excellent example of a true shepherd and servant of the L-rd. He devoted his life to building up the saints, to build up other saints, so together we can all build up the body of Christ.

“Brother Moishe brought much fruit to the Kingdom when he founded Jews for Jesus. This faithful brother helped lead many of the lost remnant of Israel to the Jewish Messiah,” said Worshill, a police chaplain in Lindenhurst, Ill.

Rosen, a native of Denver, became a believer in Jesus in 1953.

As recounted by Susan Perlman, a longtime assistant, in an article at the Jews for Jesus website,, “In 1950, when they were both 18, Moishe married his high school sweetheart, Ceil, who is also Jewish. Three years later, Ceil came to know Jesus and was instrumental in leading her husband to the Lord. And so, at the age of 21, Moishe, the son of Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, gathered his family together to tell them the news: ‘I’ve been studying the Bible lately and I’ve decided that Jesus is really the Messiah. We’ve all been wrong and I wanted you to know that I’m going to believe in Him and follow Him and give my life to Him.’

“The response that came from his father after hearing that somewhat abrasive announcement was equally jarring: ‘You can just get out of my house and don’t come back until you’ve given up this Jesus business!'”

The rejection by his family “didn’t deter him from following his destiny,” Perlman wrote. “If anything, it brought him closer to his Messiah, who was ‘despised and rejected’ by so many. Moishe immersed himself in the Scriptures and never wavered from being a forthright teller of the truth of the gospel. He actually came to discover that he loved to tell others about Y’shua.”

Within a year, Rosen had a call from God: “… as he was devouring the Book of Acts for the second time,” Perlman wrote, “he read the words ‘I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus’ (Acts 20:21) and he knew, as he put it, that it was God’s personal call to him, a message ‘more real than if I had audibly perceived His voice that God was speaking to me, calling me, telling me, that I was to be a witness to Jews and Gentiles.'”

Rosen enrolled at Northeastern Bible College in New Jersey and, after graduating in 1957, was ordained as a Conservative Baptist minister. He joined the staff of the American Board of Missions to the Jews, working 10 years in Los Angeles and seven years in New York City. Uncomfortable in an administrative role, he began visiting college campuses in New York, “listening and learning what was on the hearts of young Jewish people,” Perlman wrote, “and how he might find ways to connect to their spiritual hunger.”

Rosen began to carve out those connections in 1973 when he founded Jews for Jesus, which today numbers 200 staff members in the United States and worldwide.

Jews for Jesus’ outreach encompasses evangelistic campaigns in New York City, London, Paris and other major cities; evangelistic pamphlets and books; Bible instruction, discipleship and witness training; music and drama teams; full-page newspaper and magazine ads and other secular media outreach; and Internet evangelism.

Rosen stepped down as executive director of Jews for Jesus in 1996 at the age of 64 but continued to serve on the board of directors and as a staff member. Among the books recounting the Jews for Jesus story are “Not Ashamed: The Story of Jews for Jesus” by Ruth Tucker (1999) and “Jews for Jesus” by Rosen and Bill Proctor (1974).

Rosen played a key role in the formation of the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism, which emerged from the 1980 Consultation on World Evangelization in Pattaya, Thailand.

Tuvya Zaretsky, Jews for Jesus’ director of staff development, in a tribute to Rosen, wrote, “Today, the LCJE is regarded as the most successful special interest committee in the whole international Lausanne network. Moishe Rosen’s commitment to that network and the cause of Jewish evangelism has received well-deserved acknowledgement and appreciation.”

At the time of his death, Rosen was a member of Dolores Park Church in San Francisco, which is affiliated with the Evangelical Covenant Church. He previously was a member of First Baptist Church in San Francisco.

Rosen, in words of encouragement to the Jews for Jesus organization posted on its website after his death:

Dear friends,

If you are reading this, it means that I have gone on to my reward.  As I write this, I can only think of what the Scriptures say and that is, “Eye has not seen, ear has not heard, neither have they entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9) Well, I have a big curiosity and by now, I know.

I don’t suppose that I will be writing you any new material, but there are a few articles in the works that might still come through.

As I go, I feel that I have left a number of things undone.  I think everyone must feel that way.  There were words of appreciation that I looked for an occasion to express, but they didn’t come.  There were words of regret that I would have expressed to others.  And there were words of encouragement that I had for all who were believers.

I’d like to encourage you to stay with Jews for Jesus.  I was the Executive Director until 1996.  Many things have changed.  Some of them definitely for the better and others that I can’t say were for the worse, but things that I would not have thought to do.  Nevertheless the core of what Jews for Jesus stands for is still central.

As I go, one of the things that concerns me deeply is how much misunderstanding there is among believers.  I never thought I would live to see the day when those who know the Lord and are born again were supporting the efforts of rabbis who, frankly, not only don’t know Christ, but don’t want to know Him.

To be an honest ministry, it can only come from the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit can only indwell those who have the new birth and are born again.  Therefore, I would urge you to think very seriously before you support any “ministry” that involves Jewish people and doesn’t actually bring the gospel to the Jews.

Likewise, I am concerned over something else that I never thought that I would see or hear and that is, Jews who have become believers in Jesus and have important positions in ministry yet feel that their primary purpose is to promote Jewishness and Judaism to the Jews.

I hope I can count on you to show love and respect for the Jewish people, but Jewishness never saved anybody.  Judaism never saved anybody no matter how sincere.  Romans 10:9 & 10 make it clear that we must believe in our hearts and confess with our mouths the Lord Jesus in order to be saved. There are no shortcuts.  There is no easy way.  Within Judaism today, there is no salvation because Christ has no place within Judaism.

Aside from these concerns, I want to say that I feel as I have always felt that we stand on the edge of a breakthrough in Jewish evangelism.  Just a little more. Just another push. Just another soul – and we will have reached critical mass where we begin generating that energy that the whole world might know the Lord.

I would also encourage you to be faithful to those Bible-teaching, Bible-preaching churches that give spiritual food.  More than ever, the church needs faithful members who can be an example to the young people coming in.  Maybe there are some features about your church that keep you from being enthusiastic – look around and see if there might be a better church for you.  If there is, join it and enjoy it.  If your church is doing a lot right, then stay where you’re planted.

I don’t expect that Jews for Jesus will be undergoing any turmoil because of my demise.  For many years, the leadership has been in competent hands, but this is a time when there needs to be some encouragement.  The executive director and the staff need to hear that you intend to continue standing with us.

Anything done for Christ will last.  Anything you do to help and encourage Jews for Jesus at this time will have lasting effects on all of us.  So instead of saying “good bye,” I’ll just say, “until then – I’ll see you in the sky.”


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Happy Day – God Loves You!

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David Horowitz Confronts Member Of Muslim Students Association – Chilling To Say The Least

David Horowitz had this encounter with a Jew-hater at the University of California San Diego Campus on 5/10/10.

A Muslim Jew-hater and supporter of genocide is flushed out by David Horowitz at a speech during “Israel Apartheid Week at the University of California San …

This is happening because Jew-haters such as this young lady feel emboldened by President Obama’s stance toward our long-time ally and friend, Israel, and her people. This is disgusting!

posted by rightthingtodo  May 19, 2010 

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Please God, Strengthen Us, Guide Us, and Save America

posted by rightthingtoso  May 19, 2010

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The Socialists Just Keep Coming To The Obama Administration

This from the New Zeal blog:

Dr Donald Berwick, Yet Another Obama Socialist

In April President Barack Obama nominated Dr. Donald Berwick to be Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services . Dr. Berwick currently serves as President and CEO of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, and is a professor at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Public Health.

“Dr. Berwick has dedicated his career to improving outcomes for patients and providing better care at lower cost,” President Obama said. “That’s one of the core missions facing our next CMS Administrator, and I’m confident that Don will be an outstanding leader for the agency and the millions of Americans it serves.”

Berwick is also a partisan of state run health care, an advocate of government re-distribution of wealth and an ardent socialist, unless he was lying through his teeth when this clip was filmed.

Obama Must Be Voted Out!

posted by rightthingtodo  May 19, 2010

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